Tips for the application of Introvision

Practice acknowledging attentive perception (AAP): e.g. with this guide by Norbert Distler on InsightTimer: gm_87711
Attunement to arrive: To clarify the intention , ask the coachee or coachees, "Take a wide inner posture and look at the question: when would this session be helpful for you?"
Practicing AAP as a coach yourself: Acknowledging attentive perception supports you to go along well with the process - and to better put aside your own preoccupations and expectations, as well as to be open to the signals of the other person
Give time and space: Allow your coachee plenty of time for the AAP and observe gestures and facial expressions carefully. Often you can tell from a change that new thoughts are emerging.
Integrate the feeling of being stuck: "It may be that we are not getting anywhere right now .... If you apply AAP to this, where is the center of unpleasantness?"
Integrate body sensations directly into the process: e.g. „It may be that you now feel pressure in your stomach / that an inner fog appears / .... If you perceive this in a wide mode, where is the center of unpleasantness?"
Start quickly: A quick diving into the introvision process is helpful so that the coachee can experience the method swiftly.
Get permission: Clarify with the coachee in advance that you will interrupt conflict avoidance strategies (CAS) like ignoring, glossing over, trivializing, rationalizing, theorizing ....
Repeat literally: To activate the individual memory areas, it is extremely important to integrate exactly the coachee's words. They function like a key to his memories. This is a challenge for those who are used to summarizing in their own words.
Formulate briefly: It is best to name sub- cognitions in just one sentence: "It may be that you seem incompetent in this situation."
Postpone finding solutions: The search for solutions comes after the Introvision process. Drifting away during it distracts from the emotional experience.
... continue to read part 3: Tips for coaches for the application of Introvision.